Top 10 Benefits Of Bulk SMS
Bulk SMS India are instant, reliable and cost-effective. Bulk SMS services can reach out any handset, anywhere in the world! Being one of the most rewarding marketing tool, no doubt bulk SMS marketing has been around for 20 years and is going strong.There are more than a few reasons why bulk sms marketing is so popular with business owners. We know that SMS is the latest and quickest way to market a business. Many still think that Bulk SMS services are meant for only certain types of businesses. A few people worry that using SMS marketing may seem intrusive and so they are sceptical about using SMS as a tool for marketing. But this is not true. Bangalore Adsolutions offers Bulk SMS marketing for all types of businesses. Below are 10 benefits of Bulk sms.
Instant Deliverability
SMS is lightning fast, literally putting your message into your subscribers’ pockets or purses seconds after you send. The average time for all mobile carriers and SMS services is less than 7 seconds from send to received. However, other marketing strategies are also incredibly fast, but nothing compares to the swiftness of SMS.
Notifying customers of special promotions through text messages are unbelievably cheap in comparison to other types of advertising. You won’t pay nearly as much for Bulk SMS as you will do for an advert on a billboard, television or in a magazine.
Bang on target
Business owners and marketing managers used to send out marketing messages in the hope that they would land on their target audience. Those days are gone as now. It is essential for a company to make sure that their marketing messages are highly targeted as possible. Bulk SMS marketing is permission based i.e. those who receive your messages will either already have a relationship with you or have previously agreed to receive marketing messages from you.

Bulk SMS Marketing
Flexible Platform
Either send a handful of messages to a targeted group or send thousands of SMS messages to your entire list. A great SMS marketing service makes it easy to customize your text message campaigns to the needs of your SMS subscribers. Create a promotional message or a quick industry update; SMS truly molds itself to whatever the needs are of your business. Also, many SMS services easily integrate into your other online marketing strategies.
Composing one default message and sending it to multiple recipients not only saves you money, but also requires less hassle and effort. The software is usually easy to use and if you need any assistance, Integrat will be there to provide expert guidance. Messages can be automated to go out at a specific date and time ahead of your planned campaign. Also, you can keep track on anything you send or receive so you will be able to view the history of your SMS campaign at any time.
Instant Opt-in and Opt-Out
With the use of mobile keywords customers can easily opt-in or opt-out of receiving messages from you. It gives customers total control, which is the way it should be.
Save Money
Time is money, and SMS marketing saves huge amounts of time. By scheduling SMS components, you can organize your SMS marketing campaigns for later dates. This is a great way to manage your time efficiently.
High Open Rate
Compared to email marketing, SMS has a staggeringly high open rate. Essentially, almost every SMS sent is opened (and read), whereas only a fraction of emails sent are read. When a subscriber feels that buzz in their pocket or hears that trill signaling a text message, they always look. In some cases, text messages are automatically opened, where emails aren’t. Subscribers have a choice to open your email.
Short Messages
Though this is a challenge for some businesses, the 160-character length of SMS is a boon for marketing. It forces you to be clear and concise. Instead of having your subscribers slog through content that isn’t always relevant, SMS gets to the point immediately without anything that is unnecessary. To make this even easier, SimplyCast offers short codes for easy two-way communication.
High Returns, Low Cost
The cost of outdoor advertising, television advertising or other such expensive forms can be ‘out of budget’ or ‘too high’ for small businesses. Whereas, SMS solutions offer high ROI with low cost involved. Bulk SMS marketing campaigns can be put to action in no time with small cost, allowing you to reach thousands of people quickly and effectively.