10 Secrets to increase your organic reach on Facebook

10 Secrets to increase your organic reach on Facebook

10 Secrets to increase your organic reach on Facebook

As the amount of content created and shared online every day continues to increase, competition in Facebook’s News Feed also continues to rapidly grow. This makes it much harder for content creators, including small businesses, to gain exposure in News Feed.10 Secrets to increase your organic reach on Facebook

Publish Ever Green Content

Freshness isn’t just Google’s ranking factor. The life of a post in Facebook News Feed is also dependent on recency. If you publish timeless content, then it will be useful for your audience for longer periods. They’ll keep liking and commenting on your post.

Due to this increased engagement, the Facebook algorithm will ensure that your post gets distributed further and that it appears in feeds for longer periods. Boost post durability with evergreen content.

Every time your readers like, share or comment on your content, Facebook’s algorithms learn that they, and other people like them, want to see more of what you are posting. This, in turn, will increase your organic exposure.

Get To Know Your Facebook Insights Inside And Out

Test your content often. Dig into your Facebook Insights like crazy. Get to know each page of your Insights inside and out.But don’t just read the data. Learn from it. Learn what each metric means and how to interpret the numbers.

Use Organic Post Targeting to Serve Relevant Content

Facebook’s organic post targeting enables you to deliver your content to the audience most likely to engage with it. In other words, Facebook gives you the option to target your content to specific groups of fans.Facebook offers eight options to set your target: gender, relationship status, education level, age, location, language, interests and post end date. Select the targeting options that will help you zero in on the right audience for your content.

Publish Regularly:

If you share content on the regular, it’s going to be difficult to improve your Facebook organic reach; but you won’t succeed if you’re harassing your followers every five minutes with new content. Like with everything else, you’ll have to find some middle ground so your audience neither forgets about you nor gets tired of you.Think about it.if you publish valuable content on a regular basis its more likely for your publications to reach more different users with whom you’ll generate larger interaction and Facebook will give your company page priority for appearing in your followers’ newsfeed.

Show People You’re Listening And Paying Attention

Nobody wants to go to a Facebook page, leave a comment, and then hear crickets. Instead, they want to feel special!Real people want to connect with other real people. They want to know you’re approachable. Most of all, they want to know you’re paying attention to your page.

Once they know you’re listening, they’ll be more likely to visit your page and engage with your content again.When someone takes the time to interact with your page, acknowledge it. Even if all you do is “like” their comment, you’ve still acknowledged it.

Carefully Select Your Posting Times

There are lots of opinions about when the best times of day are to post on Facebook for maximum reach. Some marketers will tell you to post at peak times when most of your audience is on Facebook, while others will tell you to post at off-peak hours. The truth is that your Facebook Insights can tell you your best times to post on Facebook. One strategy is to look for those times of day when the largest percentage of your fans are logged into Facebook, and then look for holes in those hours during which your competitors aren’t posting as much.

Because you can’t be posting all day everyday , make it easy for your visitors to share your content to Facebook for you with the Facebook Share Button. It’s a great way to get additional exposure and drive new traffic back to your site.

Use the right images

Using the right images can help you increase organic reach on Facebook, and this platform favors the organicreach of publications which contain photos or images with the exact dimensions recommended by the social network

Add calls to action

Calls to action >are also essential for improving organic reach as you directly encourage your users to interact with your content; this is positively taken into account with Facebook’s new algorithm. But in addition to increasing the number of actions, friends of your followers will also see your publications therefore increasing the percentage of users reached.

Post more links.

Links posts are more likely to get better interaction and engagement than just text or image post.

Image-only posts used to be more popular on Facebook before. Now, links posts are getting more traction, especially if your KPI is CTR where link post triumphs over all form of post types.

Publish native Facebook videos.

Videos provide solid engagement. Though difficult to produce, they are considered the best form of content marketing material a business can offer.The results and statistics from different businesses complement this fact very well. Facebook video posts have more than 135% organic reach than any other post type.

How to optimize SEO to your Website

How to optimize SEO to your Website:

How to optimize SEO to your Website

How to optimize SEO to your Website:

>Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing web pages and their content to be easily discoverable by users searching for terms relevant to your website. The term SEO also describes the process of making web pages easier for search engine indexing software, known as “crawlers,” to find, scan, and index your site.Our team of SEO specialist and the web designer & developers have helped our numerous clients in increasing their business website traffic, revenue &sales. This all has been able due to our dedication and passion with which we work with.In today’s blog, we are describing How to optimize SEO to your Website in 7 Steps which we implement to enhance your website.

Research and analysis

It is one of the most important phases in SEO. When you start the research of any website first you need to know the objective, the idea behind it and most importantly the target customer. It involves content planning, identifying the need and behavior of your customers which will be used in optimizing your website. The main goal of this phase is earning a clear understanding of what are our objective and how we are going to achieve that.

Place keywords strategically throughout your content.

Having keyword-rich content is the key to performing well with search engines. Some search engine bots may penalize you for keyword spamming, however, so learn where to focus your efforts:

  • Use the keywords liberally on your home page.

  • Include keywords in header tags, title tags, and meta tags.

  • Include keywords in the anchor text used to describe links.

  • Use keywords in the URL of new pages.

Onsite coding and implementation

In this phase, designers and developers together build a website keeping in mind the objective of the projects. As per the content planning, each web page is designed and developed. Design play an important role in conversion and traffic. Your site should be appealing enough to hold down your visitors and enforce them to revisit on your site. After onsite coding and implementation, next step is optimizing each web page according to your keywords.

Copywriting and implementation

It is nothing but writing valuable content> that targets some specific keyword and make it SEO optimized. It increases the page authority and improves the chances of getting higher ranking in the search engine. Using copywriting you can attract the attention of your customer and increase your website traffic.Copywriting is a quality process. While inserting keyword phrases, make sure that content readability is high and is not lessening the conversion factor.

Marketing and link building

The link is a way for the users to navigate between web pages on the internet. Search engines spiders use links as a medium via which they crawl millions of websites on the internets. Link building has always been an important factor the major search engines like Google in deciding page rank and another important factor to give a higher ranking. Links acts as your reference on the web. More links mean more reference and are more beneficiary for your SEO value. All the links are not of the same value, it all depend on the site of which you are getting inbound links. Hence proper marketing and link building are equally important for your website to rank higher.

Speed site performance

Page speed refers to the amount of time a page needs to completely load into a search engine. On an average, it should be under 2 second. Google itself had said that it considers page speed as a minor ranking factor. It also helps you in increasing your UI experience. There are some other factors which should be kept in mind like your page should be responsive to all the devices.

Monitor and report continuously.

The best way to judge the success of your optimizing efforts is to continuously monitor and analyze your traffic. It will continuously offer clues as to which pages are performing the best, keep you aware of consumer interests, and most of all to see what is and what is not working.

11 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates

11 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates

11 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates

11 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates

Driving conversions online, whether sales, leads, or clicks to a particular page, requires extensive testing, analyzing, and optimization. These 11 Lead Generation Ideas to Help You Increase Your Website’s Conversion Rates

Simple Website Layout

When a visitor seeing your site they need to immediately understand the layout and how to navigate the website. Don’t bombard them with flashy graphics and other distractions. They should be able to immediately locate the navigation menu and interact with the site. If not they will click off and find a site that offers a more user friendly experience.

Make your call(s) to action unmissable

Your call to action is what asks users to convert–it could be a landing page for your product or a form for users to use to sign up for an email list. Whatever it is, it needs to be prominently visible. Make it stand out with a unique design or use it as a “soft” popup after a user sits idle on your site. Include it near the top of every page, or link to a call to action on nearly every page of your site. Don’t be obnoxious about it, but do make your calls to action prominent.

Offer various payment options.

Believe it or not, not everyone wants to use Paypal. Consider offering a variety of payment methods to satisfy the preferences of all your potential customers.

Make it easy to convert.

If a process takes too long or is simply too complicated, most users will abandon it (even if they’re into your brand). For example, if you ask users for a first name, last name, and email, I can guarantee you’ll get more signups than if you ask for first name, last name, email, location, occupation, and other factors that don’t really matter. If it takes less than 30 seconds to complete the process, you’ll be in good shape.

Quick Conversion Process

Make it as easy as possible for a user to complete the conversion. If we are talking about a sale, make the check out process as streamlined as possible. If we are talking about a lead submit then ask for as little information as possible. A website visitor is much more likely to enter their name and email address as opposed to that along with a half dozen other input fields.

 Include testimonials, reviews, and maybe a guarantee.

Trust is a major factor for conversion, but you have to earn that trust–especially with new users. Include user reviews or testimonials if you have them–users almost invariably trust brands more when they offer lots of third-party reviews. If you have any indications of authority, such as affiliations with major industry influencers, publishers, or brands, show them off with badges, and consider offering a guarantee on your product to make yourself even more trustworthy.

Clearly state the benefits of your product or service.

Listing the features of your product is important, but it’s even more important to tell potential customers exactly how your product will help them or solve their problem.

Provide Additional Value

What differentiates your website from the others? If you are an e-commerce website then provide a benefit for consumers to shop with you such as free shipping or some other additional value benefit. If you are attempting to convert the visitor into a lead provide them incentive to fill out the form.

Include a visual demonstration

People crave visuals because sight is the strongest sense. Instead of writing about your product, include a video or image-based demonstration of what it is and how it works. If it’s an intangible product, like a software subscription, show off footage of someone using the software. There’s always a way to include a visual, and visuals always make it easier to sell.

Continued Touch

If a consumer makes a purchase on your website then there is a very good chance that they are a candidate for future purchases. You can now directly market to a laser targeted prospect. Send them specials, coupons, and exclusive offers. This will keep them coming back for more. If a website visitor converted into a lead then touch them via an email marketing campaign and stay relevant and in front of them.

Make sure you include contact info.

Give your customers confidence in buying from you by including complete contact info in an easily accessible location.

10 Reasons to Retarget your Email Subscribers with Facebook Ads

10 Reasons to Retarget your Email Subscribers with Facebook Ads

10 Reasons to Retarget your Email Subscribers with Facebook Ads

Did you know you can use Facebook Ads to retarget your email list of subscribers?

Retargeting is a great way to:

  • Increase offer/brand awareness

  • Get people who visited your website back into your funnel

But did you know that you can increase your conversions and overcome a low email open rate by retargeting your email list?Retargeting is a highly effective marketing strategy that allows you to follow your audience by showing them relevant ads after they have entered your website.I’ll get into exactly how to retarget your email list in a sec but first lets take a look at 5 reasons how you should be retargeting your email list right now.

1. You are able to reach out to people when they’re free to engage. 

It’s undeniable that people are always busy during the day.

However, the downside of this is the risk of your emails not getting opened. People don’t just don’t have much time to check out your valuable offer.They may also opened the email, read a small portion of it and decided that they need to look at it later. However, they get distracted and don’t do it.After their work, instead of going back to your Email, they stayed on Facebook instead to socialize with their friends.

Retargeting them with Facebook Ads helps remind them of your offer while they’re skimming through their Newsfeed – regardless of whether they’re having a coffee break at work or having a day off at home.

2.Targeting a Lookalike Audience:

>A lookalike audience is exactly what it sounds like, an audience of users generated by Facebook that best-matches your imported contact list.

Facebook examines demographic similarities like age segment, gender and location as well as precise interests and broad categories. An algorithm within Facebook matches those demographic details with existing Facebook users and finds the best possible match for your next ad.

3.You Increase The Size Of Your Brand

When your message is seen everywhere, on various platforms, it becomes the company looking bigger than it actually is. When you have your ad on Facebook, it boosts the popularity of the brand.The great thing is that subscribers have no recognition of what you’re doing – they see the ad because you retargeted them on the email list.

4.You Boost The Retargeting Amount

Your marketing message typically needs to get in front of prospective buyers multiple times before they’ll be influenced to take action.  The average tech shopper uses more than 14 sources of information to arrive at their decision. Younger shoppers use over 21 sources. Email + Facebook Advertising helps get you to a high enough frequency that it will be noticed and remembered.

5. You’ll be able to reach your audience no matter the time and place. 

Regardless of where your subscribers are in the world, you’ll always stay connected to them as long as they’re on Facebook.

In today’s era of digital connectivity, most marketers are using email marketing and social channels together.

6.Your Brand Will Be Remembered

When using ConnectAudience to import your email list into the Facebook custom audience, you can target those subscribers – even people who have unsubscribed from the email list. It’s certainly disappointing to see people leave your list, but you still give them a chance to convert by showing them FB ads in their newsfeed.

7.You gain people’s Trust

Not only will your business look larger, which lends trust… people just trust businesses who are on Facebook more than those who are not.  If they are seeing your business on Facebook and email, they now know of 2 places to reach you immediately if they have an issue with your product or service.

Facebook is also place where people refer friends to businesses when they have had a good experience.  By being on Facebook and in their news feed, it makes it easier for them to recommend your business to their friends.

8.Your Ad Revenue Is Spared

With a rise in clicks, the cost to run your Facebook ads drops. It also means more people are engaging with your brand, which means you can save the ad revenue for other areas. It’s also why you need to retarget your email subscribers or reach out to new audiences. These folks are more likely to convert.

9.You increase your campaign response rate. 

Retargeting people on your list through Facebook Ads means that you are reaching out to people who have already been exposed to your brand messages – especially those who made an effort to open your emails and click on your links. 

10.You Create Social Leadership

Look at your current customers/clients as brand ambassadors. Use Facebook ads with testimonials from your customers to target those on the list that have yet to convert. With Facebook retargeting, you can showcase your credibility but don’t come across aggressive.